Water Plants



1001 USES: medicinal, culinary, and environmentally friendly clothing and household uses in addition to a perch for red-winged blackbirds, cattails add great benefits to waterways and wildlife.

Bio Blitz

What is BioBlitz?

From May to June golf courses around the globe will engage members to collect biodiversity evidence of plant and animal species in the natural habitats on golf courses. ** Includes a photo contest!

Why does this matter?

BioBlitz shines a light on the environmental value that our golf course contributes to climate science while enhancing the golf experience and increasing efficiency and sustainability.

How can we participate in BioBlitz at Niakwa?

Join the Biodiversity Walk led by Daphne Stapley to track and count plant species and wildlife that supports research and fulfills NCC Audubon Certification commitments.

How to register?

Register on the Event Calendar online or sign up in the Pro Shop. Meet at the Back Shop for the Walk.

Pond Water

Niakwa’s ponds are an important irrigation feature for our golf course. Water entering and leaving the property is tested twice annually and we are grateful to have partnered with the Manitoba Metis Federation and EMFluids inc. in trialling a water treatment tool in our ponds.

The two-year trial involved water testing before and after use of the EMFluids technology in our ponds. Ten water quality metrics were measured as well as sediment analysis. We experienced significant overall improvement in water quality including a 60% and 70% reduction in total phosphorous in each pond and a 42% and 49% reduction in ammonium in each pond. This type of technology will be an important consideration in preserving the integrity Niakwa’s water system.

SAVE OUR SEINE ~ A Reciprocal Community Partnership

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The term Niakwa comes from an indigenous word for “winding river” – the Seine River, a prominent feature of the golf course and riparian area along the Seine River Greenway.

Save Our Seine (SOS) and Niakwa Country Club (NCC) have been partners since 2021 working together to better understanding the Seine River Greenway and its management. This partnership has led to significant benefits to NCC.


The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Certification recognizes NCC’s efforts at protecting our environment and preserving the natural heritage of the game of golf by naturalizing non-playing areas and wildlife habitats, and minimize harmful impacts of golf course operations. SOS recognizes this important worldwide environmental role and values the mutual benefit of working together in pursuing shared environmental goals.

As partners, an added critical mass to SOS grant applications has delivered 50 biodiverse trees free to NCC in the fall 2023 with an additional 50 trees in 2024. NCC and SOS volunteers worked together to begin strategic planting of these trees.

Further grant funding and volunteer support will provide a vegetated swail to replace the open drainage culvert on Hole 13.

In response to a community protest to the NCC notice of application of chemicals, SOS was able to provide assurance of the safety and appropriateness of NCC golf course management practices and resolve the complaint.

Consider supporting our valued community partner with a membership.
